Holy Week message from Fr. Ron

I think all of you would agree that our Holy Week liturgies at St. Maryanne Cope parish were very inspiring. There is nothing more inviting than to experience the Church looking so beautiful for this very special time of year. Mostly, it is you, the faithful who add so much to the Pascal Mysteries and the events of Holy Week.

Therefore, I extend a heartfelt thanks to all who attended the masses and two Good Friday Services. A special thank you to those who decorated the two Churches for Easter. I’m sure you agree that both are very beautiful.

Thank you to the Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, choir members, musicians and guest soloists who enhanced our special liturgies tremendously. Thank you to Deacon Alan for the tremendous help he gives to the parish and to me.

Please don’t forget that we enjoy seven (7) weeks of Easter. As I’ve stated, any Catholic may go to confession anytime between Ash Wednesday and Pentecost Sunday. Catholics are only required to confess once-a-year. This is
called an “Easter Duty.”

Concerning the aforementioned paragraph, this year one can complete their Easter Duty between February 14th (Ash Wednesday) and May
19th (Pentecost) Sunday, which ends the Easter Season.

My hope is that all of you had a most enjoyable Easter Sunday with family and friends. May the Risen Lord continue to shower you with
many graces.

As always,
Fr. Ron

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